Written by Brittany Pratts
Edited by Allison Herrera
It’s no secret that most of us are glued to our phones. Scrolling through Instagram, checking our messages, watching TikToks, & the list goes on. It’s become part of our daily routine.
You may not even realize it, but digital advertising is an influential aspect of our routine scrolling. We all probably scroll through at least an average of fifty ads a day without even noticing it. It’s inevitable at this point.

During the pandemic, you were on your phone way more than usual (no need to feel bad about it, we all were). But hey, we were quarantined…what else were we supposed to do? While we were sitting on our couches, scrolling through Instagram for hours on end while watching Friends for the fifth time, digital advertisers pounced. This was the perfect opportunity to market brands that couldn’t shine as bright through typical print advertising.

Digital advertising in 2020 skyrocketed rising revenue in the U.S. by 12% to $139.8 billion (yup, that’s billion with a hard B). It’s almost hard to believe that during a time where everyone was struggling, advertising soared. However, you have to look at the facts: digital video encompassed the highest growth by rising 21% to $26.2 billion. Think of this like every IG Reel you scrolled through and liked or saved because it was a cute product or something you thought was really cool. Think of every ad you watch before a YouTube video. Whether you skip it or not, you probably remember which ones you’ve seen a million times (you will certainly remember those ads on your Target trips).
Digital ads have an advantage, other than being downright entertaining – they can be more personalized, and this is something that was really focused on in 2020.

Have you ever seen an ad on Instagram that was so perfect for you that it freaked you out a little? Good – it was supposed to. Companies want to show you exactly what you need when you need it. Algorithms, previous searches, what you like, and things you save all show advertisers what you need to see…what you thrive off of.
Since 2020 brought so much sitting at home with nothing more to do than scroll through our phones, advertisers were able to gain A LOT of information on you and your interests. Don’t worry, the information they gather is harmless…advertisers just want to be able to provide you with ads that are relevant to you and your lifestyle. Something as simple as a post you liked can give advertisers a ton of insight on what else you may like. Obviously, if advertisers can get all of this information on you constantly through the day, then they can give you more personalized ads that make you more likely to purchase – and more likely to actually enjoy between scrolls.

Digital advertising is critical to surviving in this day and age. You can’t have a successful business without it. The first thing people do today is search companies (whether it’s through Instagram or YouTube) before walking in or giving them a call. When a social media page comes up, they will obviously click & explore – learning all about the who, what, when and wheres of your brand and its personality.
I can’t even begin to count how many new businesses I have followed during the pandemic. Digital advertising makes it easier to find, follow and support new companies and products than ever before. It’s important to get yourself out there. That’s why digital advertising has been (and still is) so critical during the pandemic.

Even if you are watching a movie, you still pick up your phone every now and then to scroll for a minute. Whether you’re at the grocery store, sitting on the couch, at Target, or even going on your daily walk – digital advertising is constantly in your hands…and it is our job to put your brand in your consumers’ or potential clients’ hands.
What are you waiting for? Here at Uptown Girl Media, we specialize in assisting companies and individuals highlight memories and experiences, while creatively showcasing and expanding their brand and name, by building their credentials and expanding their professional presence. Give us a call, and we can provide a unique visual experience that no one else can reproduce by curating individualized visions selectively and strategically personalized for you.