Two Qualities that Top Salespeople Possess

Written by Jamie Hanzo

Edited by Allison Herrera⁣

Is emotional intelligence the core factor that makes a salesperson successful? Some might say so, however, studies show that it is not the only factor that makes someone good at sales. Journal Marketing discovered that having a high level of emotional intelligence is “not enough” to make a salesperson successful. 

Why are we talking about salespeople today? Well, because digital marketing is essentially selling your product, service or idea behind a screen…and it is what we do best. A salesperson should both have and be skilled, with the ability to use, manage, facilitate and perceive emotions. These skills are not found easily, but when they are, it changes the game.

Researchers asked managers and salespeople throughout many industries (i.e. real estate, insurance, and more) about success. They found that those salespeople who are both emotionally intelligent and emotionally confident hold all the factors someone needs to be a top-notch employee. These types of people are able to relate, calm and empathize with customers resulting in a mutually beneficial relationship with their clients.

If someone did not have both emotional intelligence or emotional confidence, their sales performance would be worse in comparison with someone who does acquire these traits. If someone only has one of these traits, let’s say emotional intelligence for example, but not emotional confidence, that individual probably finds it difficult to obtain relationships with his/her clients. Confidence is key, in all aspects of life. 

On the contrary, if someone has emotional confidence but lacks emotional intelligence, their results in sales will have the same negative results. This is because they are overly-confident while practicing sales and lack evidence to back up their strong points. Statistically, clients do not enjoy communicating with someone who is overly-confident. Most of the time, overly confident sellers lack connections; whereas, the more humble and down to earth you are, the more you can relate to humans on a personal level. Customers find that salespeople who are too confident come off as overly-eager or inattentive, as if they only care about making a sale – not the genuine state of the potential client.

“If their salesforce does not have the emotional confidence to match their emotional skills, then they cannot realize the benefits of these skills.” – (American Marketing Association)

In conclusion, salespeople need to be aware if their emotional intelligence is lacking compared to their emotional confidence, and vice versa. This awareness can be monitored by managers and executives through training. It is equally important to be trained in emotional intelligence as it is to be trained in emotional confidence. By acquiring strong levels in both of these things, sales results will sky rocket for salespeople. 

An environment with encouraging supervision, high levels of team collaboration, and access to resources needed to serve customers is found to be the best for salespeople to obtain qualities of emotional intelligence and confidence. In addition, a workplace that is a low-stress environment can also help a salesperson work to the best of their ability on an emotional level. 

With all of this being said, it is not impossible for someone to gain these traits over time. Salespeople all over the globe are continually striving to be the best they can be. Selling in person is tough enough, so let us come up with innovative and creative ways to get your points across. Call us today, and we can get started.

Two Qualities that Top Salespeople Possess

Written by Jamie Hanzo

Edited by Allison Herrera⁣

Is emotional intelligence the core factor that makes a salesperson successful? Some might say so, however, studies show that it is not the only factor that makes someone good at sales. Journal Marketing discovered that having a high level of emotional intelligence is “not enough” to make a salesperson successful.

Why are we talking about salespeople today? Well, because digital marketing is essentially selling your product, service or idea behind a screen…and it is what we do best. A salesperson should both have and be skilled, with the ability to use, manage, facilitate and perceive emotions. These skills are not found easily, but when they are, it changes the game.

Researchers asked managers and salespeople throughout many industries (i.e. real estate, insurance, and more) about success. They found that those salespeople who are both emotionally intelligent and emotionally confident hold all the factors someone needs to be a top-notch employee. These types of people are able to relate, calm and empathize with customers resulting in a mutually beneficial relationship with their clients.

If someone did not have both emotional intelligence or emotional confidence, their sales performance would be worse in comparison with someone who does acquire these traits. If someone only has one of these traits, let’s say emotional intelligence for example, but not emotional confidence, that individual probably finds it difficult to obtain relationships with his/her clients. Confidence is key, in all aspects of life.

On the contrary, if someone has emotional confidence but lacks emotional intelligence, their results in sales will have the same negative results. This is because they are overly-confident while practicing sales and lack evidence to back up their strong points. Statistically, clients do not enjoy communicating with someone who is overly-confident. Most of the time, overly confident sellers lack connections; whereas, the more humble and down to earth you are, the more you can relate to humans on a personal level. Customers find that salespeople who are too confident come off as overly-eager or inattentive, as if they only care about making a sale – not the genuine state of the potential client.

“If their salesforce does not have the emotional confidence to match their emotional skills, then they cannot realize the benefits of these skills.” – (American Marketing Association)

In conclusion, salespeople need to be aware if their emotional intelligence is lacking compared to their emotional confidence, and vice versa. This awareness can be monitored by managers and executives through training. It is equally important to be trained in emotional intelligence as it is to be trained in emotional confidence. By acquiring strong levels in both of these things, sales results will sky rocket for salespeople.

An environment with encouraging supervision, high levels of team collaboration, and access to resources needed to serve customers is found to be the best for salespeople to obtain qualities of emotional intelligence and confidence. In addition, a workplace that is a low-stress environment can also help a salesperson work to the best of their ability on an emotional level.

With all of this being said, it is not impossible for someone to gain these traits over time. Salespeople all over the globe are continually striving to be the best they can be. Selling in person is tough enough, so let us come up with innovative and creative ways to get your points across. Call us today, and we can get started.

Tips for Effective Social Media Marketing

Written by Brittany Prats

Edited by Allison Herrera⁣

Social Media is quickly transforming the marketing world by making it easier for businesses to directly target their audience in a more personalized way. In fact, social media has become such a game changer for marketers that 78% of salespeople who are active on social media are outselling their peers who are not. However, just because you’re on social media doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed an increase in sales. If you’re not seeing the results you want (or expect), there is most likely a reason for that, so here’s a few tips to save your strategy!

  1. Add videos to your strategy!
    • We all know Instagram Reels are blowing up. I’m sure we’ve all been there, scrolling endlessly on Instagram, looking at new businesses, fun products, a service we’ve always wanted to get… Admit it, you get sucked in (it’s okay, we all do). Just imagine if that was YOUR business blowing up on Instagram Reels. Videos are an easy and fun way to not only personalize your content but show more of your brand personality. Be creative. The more unique you are with your brand, the more likely someone will be to choose you over your competitors. Instagram recently announced that they are switching to becoming a video platform rather than a photo platform, so there’s no better time than now to dip your toes in the video pool!
  2. Use Storytelling
    • Storytelling is essential in any marketing campaign, but especially if you are using social media. By turning a strategy into a story, your audience will be more likely to connect with your business on a deeper level. Better connections with your target audience will in turn increase the possibility of converting that engagement into sales.
  3. Give your brand a human element.
    • Making your brand seem more human can really build trust within your audience. People love seeing people. Whether it’s showcasing your team members or creating content that displays people enjoying your product/service, you always want to personify your brand and add identity to who is behind the screen. Interacting with people who comment on your posts or DM you goes a long way, too. This helps increase your engagement, while also giving your brand a voice. Your audience will be able to connect with your brand, trust your brand, and be more likely to buy from you because of that.

These tips all seem pretty simple, but trust us, they will make a world of difference for your strategy. If you read this and still don’t know where to start, we got you covered (social media is kinda our thing). Contact us today if you want to get started on making your social media strategy more effective & FINALLY get the results you want!

Tips for Effective Social Media Marketing

Written by Brittany Prats

Edited by Allison Herrera⁣

Social Media is quickly transforming the marketing world by making it easier for businesses to directly target their audience in a more personalized way. In fact, social media has become such a game changer for marketers that 78% of salespeople who are active on social media are outselling their peers who are not. However, just because you’re on social media doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed an increase in sales. If you’re not seeing the results you want (or expect), there is most likely a reason for that, so here’s a few tips to save your strategy!

  1. Add videos to your strategy!
    • We all know Instagram Reels are blowing up. I’m sure we’ve all been there, scrolling endlessly on Instagram, looking at new businesses, fun products, a service we’ve always wanted to get… Admit it, you get sucked in (it’s okay, we all do). Just imagine if that was YOUR business blowing up on Instagram Reels. Videos are an easy and fun way to not only personalize your content but show more of your brand personality. Be creative. The more unique you are with your brand, the more likely someone will be to choose you over your competitors. Instagram recently announced that they are switching to becoming a video platform rather than a photo platform, so there’s no better time than now to dip your toes in the video pool!
  2. Use Storytelling
    • Storytelling is essential in any marketing campaign, but especially if you are using social media. By turning a strategy into a story, your audience will be more likely to connect with your business on a deeper level. Better connections with your target audience will in turn increase the possibility of converting that engagement into sales
  3. Give your brand a human element.
    • Making your brand seem more human can really build trust within your audience. People love seeing people. Whether it’s showcasing your team members or creating content that displays people enjoying your product/service, you always want to personify your brand and add identity to who is behind the screen. Interacting with people who comment on your posts or DM you goes a long way, too. This helps increase your engagement, while also giving your brand a voice. Your audience will be able to connect with your brand, trust your brand, and be more likely to buy from you because of that
    • .

These tips all seem pretty simple, but trust us, they will make a world of difference for your strategy. If you read this and still don’t know where to start, we got you covered (social media is kinda our thing). Contact us today if you want to get started on making your social media strategy more effective & FINALLY get the results you want!

Adidas – Built for Community

  • Written by Blake Ecuyer

    Edited by Allison Herrera⁣

    Adidas, one the world’s most recognizable athletic brands, has captured lightning in a bottle. Their apps, “Adidas Running” and “Adidas Training”, have fostered a new community. Adidas has carved something unique out for themselves by combining a workout with the social aspect of being in the gym all from your phone. As we all know, the pandemic was stressful, but more so because some of us were alone. The two apps in question help connect people running and training with other people near them and who share a joint interest. The company welcomes you to the team when you join the app and welcomes you to the community of users. The app allows you to befriend other people on the app much like social media while combining the workout aspect.

    Adidas is one company using digital to their advantage, unlocking an authentic potential of fostering this community. Social media is similar in terms of focusing on engaging clients, as Adidas is with their apps. Similar to Adidas’s apps, social media creates a strong client connection, therefore, having more supporters. Think about that for a second. Client relations are stronger with a connecting variable, and the variable for Adidas is digital…their apps. Like apps, digital marketing (such as social media) promotes customer loyalty.

    Most people may see this as another athletic company pushing an app; but to us, this is authentic and organic digital marketing. By using a social media aspect on their apps they allow people to form a sense of community around this one brand.

    Ready to up your social media gains? Let us, the experts, build you a social plan uniquely fit for your company! Give us a call today.

Adidas – Built for Community

Written by Blake Ecuyer

Edited by Allison Herrera⁣

Adidas, one the world’s most recognizable athletic brands, has captured lightning in a bottle. Their apps, “Adidas Running” and “Adidas Training”, have fostered a new community. Adidas has carved something unique out for themselves by combining a workout with the social aspect of being in the gym all from your phone. As we all know, the pandemic was stressful, but more so because some of us were alone. The two apps in question help connect people running and training with other people near them and who share a joint interest. The company welcomes you to the team when you join the app and welcomes you to the community of users. The app allows you to befriend other people on the app much like social media while combining the workout aspect.

Adidas is one company using digital to their advantage, unlocking an authentic potential of fostering this community. Social media is similar in terms of focusing on engaging clients, as Adidas is with their apps. Similar to Adidas’s apps, social media creates a strong client connection, therefore, having more supporters. Think about that for a second. Client relations are stronger with a connecting variable, and the variable for Adidas is digital…their apps. Like apps, digital marketing (such as social media) promotes customer loyalty.

Most people may see this as another athletic company pushing an app; but to us, this is authentic and organic digital marketing. By using a social media aspect on their apps they allow people to form a sense of community around this one brand.

Ready to up your social media gains? Let us, the experts, build you a social plan uniquely fit for your company! Give us a call today.

Closed-Loop Marketing

  • Written by Becca Miller

    Edited by Allison Herrera⁣

    Ever heard of closed-loop marketing? If not, that’s okay – we’re breaking down what it is, what it isn’t, the benefits, & the dos & don’ts of this strategy. This strategy is vital to understanding your customers and their behavior, without being super creepy.

    Let’s start with what is closed-loop marketing. This marketing strategy is analyzing your customers every step of the way until they convert. Think about it like this, a customer arrives on your website through an ad you might run on Facebook. They browse through your website and buy your product. Our job as marketing professionals is to analyze this behavior with data and tracking. Once we do that, we can gain a better insight into what campaigns are the most effective. This helps companies connect with customers because we can understand what is working the best for your business.

    Now that we have a better understanding as to what closed-lopsided marketing is, let’s dive into what it’s not. This strategy is not the end all be all of marketing campaigns and strategies. This is simply one tool we can utilize to help our clients. There are still many other measurements of marketing that we take into consideration. Wherever there are numbers, we’ll be analyzing them.

    How can closed-loop marketing help your business and your customers? The knowledge that comes from us analyzing this data, gives your company a better understanding of your customers and their behaviors. Because of this knowledge, conversion rates are known to increase because we are able to strategize each campaign to what those customers’ behaviors are. Closed-loop marketing also SAVES YOU MONEY! How? When we know what’s working and what isn’t, then we are able to move costs around to better benefit your business and our strategies.

    Finally, let’s chat about the dos and don’ts of closed-loop marketing. We’ll start with the don’ts, so we can end on a positive note!

    • DON’T commit halfway, this is a process and you can’t lose time or patience because results may not be immediate. We get it, it’s hard to not get instant satisfaction but trust us, we’re the experts. 
    • DO focus on what is working for your company, listen to what we have analyzed from the data we are given. We’ll always discuss any changes we believe should be made.

    This was a lot to take in! But, be proud of yourself, you made it! Now that you know what closed-loop marketing is, will you trust us to be your experts? Call us today – we would love helping you out!

Closed-Loop Marketing

Written by Becca Miller

Edited by Allison Herrera⁣

Ever heard of closed-loop marketing? If not, that’s okay – we’re breaking down what it is, what it isn’t, the benefits, & the dos & don’ts of this strategy. This strategy is vital to understanding your customers and their behavior, without being super creepy.

Let’s start with what is closed-loop marketing. This marketing strategy is analyzing your customers every step of the way until they convert. Think about it like this, a customer arrives on your website through an ad you might run on Facebook. They browse through your website and buy your product. Our job as marketing professionals is to analyze this behavior with data and tracking. Once we do that, we can gain a better insight into what campaigns are the most effective. This helps companies connect with customers because we can understand what is working the best for your business.

Now that we have a better understanding as to what closed-lopsided marketing is, let’s dive into what it’s not. This strategy is not the end all be all of marketing campaigns and strategies. This is simply one tool we can utilize to help our clients. There are still many other measurements of marketing that we take into consideration. Wherever there are numbers, we’ll be analyzing them.

How can closed-loop marketing help your business and your customers? The knowledge that comes from us analyzing this data, gives your company a better understanding of your customers and their behaviors. Because of this knowledge, conversion rates are known to increase because we are able to strategize each campaign to what those customers’ behaviors are. Closed-loop marketing also SAVES YOU MONEY! How? When we know what’s working and what isn’t, then we are able to move costs around to better benefit your business and our strategies.

Finally, let’s chat about the dos and don’ts of closed-loop marketing. We’ll start with the don’ts, so we can end on a positive note!

  • DON’T commit halfway, this is a process and you can’t lose time or patience because results may not be immediate. We get it, it’s hard to not get instant satisfaction but trust us, we’re the experts. 
  • DO focus on what is working for your company, listen to what we have analyzed from the data we are given. We’ll always discuss any changes we believe should be made.

This was a lot to take in! But, be proud of yourself, you made it! Now that you know what closed-loop marketing is, will you trust us to be your experts? Call us today – we would love helping you out!

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