3 Tips From Creatives Post-Pandemic

Written by Becca Miller

Edited by Allison Herrera⁣

The market is changing…& so should you! With the craziness of last year, data has shifted more than ever. More people are now online shoppers & businesses are realizing the potential of working remotely. 

Below, we’ve highlighted three tips about the market that you should consider for your business. 

Shifting Workforce Decisions

About 98% of workers said they’d like to work remotely at least part-time moving forward. Maybe consider setting up a work-from-home schedule that can be easily flexible for different departments. 

Adopting Training & Development Materials

More than 40% of companies have increased efforts to upskill & re-skill employees. This is a great way to keep your employees always learning & increasing their skills to better your business. 

Creating Digital Marketing Content

About 96% of Americans are shopping more online, & 45% of Baby Boomers have increased their digital spending. You know what this means, it’s time to update that website or create a brand new for customers to easily shop your brand. 

Since last year brought many changes to our world, we want to be here for you. We not only provide multiple services, but also many tips & tricks to help you conquer your business goals. Give us a call today – we would love to help you develop a creative strategy based on data & goals!

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