Written by Allison Herrera
The “new normal” is isn’t so “new” anymore…and if you haven’t pivoted your marketing strategy since Covid-19 hit, you’re going to fall behind in 2021. Due to this pandemic, consumerism is changing quicker than evolution planned, and it will never look the same. In our opinion, it shouldn’t. Why? Because our priorities as a society are shifting.
Increased Internet Traffic
Based on research, The New York Times revealed what most of us already assumed: the “coronavirus has changed the way we internet.” Our tolerance for screen time has never been higher, and that’s not likely to change. Neha Singh, managing director of marketing and innovation at BAM Communications, says, “During most crises, marketing teams are the first to go, but this crisis is different. Right now, Internet usage is up by 50 to 70 percent.”
In order for brands to keep up with consumers’ 50-70% increase of Internet usage, brands must double down on engagement efforts. Organic marketing is key when it all boils down to Internet traffic. That means, you may need to revisit your approach to organic traffic.
Organic Marketing
During this time, Singh says, “customers may not be buying,” due to many financial reasons, thanks to Covid-19. But, customers, “are engaging” online, according to Singh. This means your digital presence needs to be pushed consistently, especially since more people are spending time online, as we previously mentioned. As cities progress into higher phases, consumers are coming back, which is why it’s critical for businesses to shift their marketing strategy into a plan that best reflects and meets your clients’ needs AND keep the company’s focus on marketing – ready to capture consumers once again. Along with selling a product or service, events are also pivoting, which shifts interaction.
Most in-person events are now online, where engagement with a target audience is crucial. You’re now competing for your viewer’s attention…which isn’t exactly a walk in the park. Organic marketing assists in effectively capturing your audience.
Although some events are back to being held in person, participants are also encouraged to engage through digital means. Both in-person events encourage interaction online, such as checking in at locations or tagging companies in pictures posted online.
How can you boost organic connections and build brand trust?
Provide relevant content
Updating what products/services you offer
Addresses client concerns
This is a wonderful time for experimentation, when it comes to digital marketing strategies. Just like advertising as a whole has shifted, so have brands. For example, outdoor brands probably have a new audience, due to an increase in outdoor activities. Another example is a shift from eating out to eating in – more people are probably ordering more food delivery or takeout, due to capacity limits in restaurants. Do you see how your product or service may remain the same, but outside forces shift the “who”, “when”, “how”, “where” and “why”? Hence, it’s a great time to experiment, and companies will, “need marketers who can stretch your dollar and who aren’t afraid to experiment,” according to Singh.
Us humans are also craving interaction, whether it’s online or (safely) in-person. But, due to an increase of online screen time, companies should focus their efforts on digital marketing and shift interaction from in-person to online. This is where organic marketing comes into play.
Marketing strategies should now move forward on the basic idea of using content to create powerful connections online and kicking off conversations. Quarantine has taught us that online conversations are just as impactful as face-to-face interactions. If chefs are hosting cooking classes through Zoom and bands are hosting virtual concerts on Facebook Live, brands also have a broad range of resources and opportunities to connect with communities. By humanizing your brand and communicating to consumers about their deepest concerns and innermost thoughts, you can cultivate an ongoing conversation, even among those who may not be financially ready for your product/service.
Covid-19 impacted the advertising industry long-term, as successful marketing accelerated a shift to digital. Due to Increased Internet Traffic, brands must shift their efforts to digital marketing strategies, through Organic Marketing and Experimenting. As brands work on striking a balance, marketing strategies reflect success based on how brands adjust and improve their digital marketing efforts. If you need some direction with pivoting your marketing strategies, especially when it comes to organic marketing and experimentation, we can help! Send us a message here, and we’ll be glad to assist you.